
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 12:53:21
美国人先拿出了自己得意的XO,让老鼠喝了下去,老鼠跑了一会就醉倒了。 日本人很嘲笑美国的拿出了本国有名的清酒,刚给老鼠喝下去,老鼠就醉倒了。美国人有点颜面扫地,日本人正得意洋洋。中国人拿出了有名的二锅头,给老鼠喝了之后,老鼠居然跑回了洞里,一点事情都没有,美国人和日本人不解,难道中国的二锅头和水一样?正当他们纳闷之时,老鼠拿了一块板砖冲了出来,嘴里大声喊着:"猫在哪里?"

Americans took their first, let rat satisfiedly XO, drank a mouse ran is drank. Japan was a country at us out of famous wine, drank, just gived a rat rat was drank. Americans a humiliation, the Japanese were elated. Out of the famous Chinese spirit erguotou, gived mice, rats after drinking unexpectedly back to cave, something no, American and Japanese puzzled, Chinese spirit erguotou and water? While they were wondering, mouse took a cake of plank brick rushed out and shouted: "mouth cat in where?"

American take their's proud XO,

Americans are proud to show its own XO, drink it down so that mice, rats ran on a drunk had. Japanese are derided the United States come up with their own well-known sake, just go to drink rats, rats on a drunk. Americans face a bit sweeping, the Japanese are triumphant. Chinese people come up with the famous Double pot, to drink after the rats, mice actually ran back to the hole, something no, Americans and Japan