
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 02:20:50

Homework]VOA 2009-09-13
It's 15:00 Universal Time and here is the news from the Voice of America.From the VOA News Center in Washington,I'm Gloria Gibson.
Iraqi Security and Health officials say 3 people have been killed and at least 22 injured in twim bombs in Baghdad.Maybe 40 civilians,police and militant have been killed since Friday night in way of violence of cross as Afghanistan the total acts to what is already the deadlist year of the world.
Afghan's independent election commission says it plans to announce complete result from the August 20th presidential election today but the results will not be funnal until the different UN back complain commission investigate all fraut aligations
South Korea says it would appose the United States holding to red talks with North Korea to persuade Yongyong to rejiont store nuclear disarment jobs.The disicion follows around the consultations between the U.S. envoy from the Korea.Steven Barswerth and other pa