maxwell for maya 7.0怎么安装?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 20:27:12

The Maxwell install program must set you enviroment variable MAXWELL_ROOT to the Maxwell install dir, check it. If it doen's exists create your own MAXWELL_ROOT variable pointing to your Maxwell install dir, for example: if Maxwell isinstalled in c:\maxwell, set the enviroment variable to this path.

Maxwell安装程序心须安装在你的根路径下,检查它.如果不是,那们请你自己建立MAXWELL 根目录到你的安装目录.举例说:如果MAXWELL安装在C:\maxwell,将环境变量高定在这个路径上.

Launch Maya and go to: Windows -> Settings/Preferences -> Plug-In Manager


Go to c:/mayall folder and select mayall_maya60.mll for Maya 6.0 or mayall_maya65.mll for Maya 6.5 .

到C:/maya 文件夹和选择MAYA6.0mll对maya6或是mayall6.5.mll对maya6.5.

Click on Load and Auto Load if you want that Mayall will be loaded every time Maya is launched.


If you click on the Info button on the right tou can see the Mayall version.
