
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 05:53:06
我们班每节英语课都有 课前三分钟 的小演讲.下星期就到我了
请帮我翻译下面一段话. 专有名词可以不用翻译.

大家好! 今天我要演讲的内容是关于胡歌这位演员的.他不光有着帅气的外表,成熟的气质.还有着善良真诚,与深厚的涵养.从上海戏剧学院毕业后,拍摄的<仙剑>一让他被大家所熟识.要知道剧中的人物与他本人的性格有很大不同,他却可以把那个角色演绎得那样深入人心,无不体现出他演技的精湛.胡歌的演艺并不是一直很顺利.两年前,他因车祸而险些失明,毁容.在香港治疗的期间,他曾一度绝望过,可最终在大家的开导很帮助下恢复自信,再次复出.期间他还自己编排了一些小短片.去年,他的音乐专辑<出发>发行,在写真集里,他这样说:幸运的是我并没有离开,幸福的是我即将远航. 带着梦想与祝福一路前行的他在今年又出演了<仙剑>电视剧的第三部,受到好评.
就是这个喜欢古典诗词,性格内敛,爱好摄影的胡歌,将在他的以后为我们书写更美的篇章.我在这里,也希望大家多多支持他. 加油,胡歌.


Hello everyone! Today I want to the content of speech is about the actor Hu Ge. He not only has a handsome appearance, mature temperament. There is a kind-hearted sincerity, and deep conservation. After graduating from the Shanghai Theater Academy, filming "Sin sword "so that he was one familiar to everybody. want to know the play's characters and his own personality is very different, but he can be interpreted as deeply rooted among the roles that invariably reflect his superb acting. Hu Ge Performing Arts not always go smoothly. Two years ago, he was a car accident and nearly blind, disfigured. in Hong Kong during the period of treatment, he had once despaired, could ultimately help of our counseling is to restore self-confidence,
Back again. During which he also did his own arrangement of a number of small clips. Last year, his album "Departure" is distributed in photo albums, he said: Fortunately, I did not leave happy is that I am about to voyage. w