
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 09:02:47

南方航空 CZ6015 22:30乌鲁木齐机场 23:15 阿什哈巴德机场 每周二、周六

飞机的确带来污染并浪费能源。 Aircraft poses pollution and wasting energy. 科学家们曾指出,同样的距离,同样的旅客数,飞机排放的污染物和能源消耗是汽车的几倍。 Scientists have pointed out, the same distance, the same number of passengers, aircraft emissions of pollutants and energy consumption of the vehicle several times. 在可能的情况下,应尽量减少飞机出行,使用汽车甚至更环保的交通方式。 Where possible, should try to reduce aircraft travel, use car even more environmentally friendly modes of transportation.
但是,目前的情况并不支持“限飞”。 However, the current situation does not support "limited to fly." 在很多情况下,飞机旅行是一种必须,比如从中国到美国,从时间角度上考虑,没有人会去考虑坐船。 In many cases, air travel is a necessity, such as from China to the United States, from time to consider the point of view, no one would consider a boat. 另外,对于繁忙的政治家、商人、艺人而言,时间异常宝贵,飞机是最节约时间的一种方式。 In addition, for busy politicians, businessmen, artists, time anomalies valuable, the aircraft is the most time-saving way. 另外,从发展旅游业的角度看,长途飞行也使得去世界各地旅游成为可能。 In addition, the de