
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 10:05:13
First of all good luck in college! This your first year there I hope it's exciting for you. I started last year and it was a different world from when I was in high school, but I love it. My majors are international business and financing. If all goes well I might graduate in 3 years. What your uncle said about society and surviving in it is so true. Nowadays you need a degree in everything just to get a well paying job that's why everyone in the States is going back to school because they can't find a good paying job. Let me know what else you would like to know so I could give you tips from here too. It's crazy how high school is the hardest in China. For us it's college time that gives me sleepless nights.




她 是说大学生活跟以后找工作的 说现在社会想找到个 薪水好的工作难
需要一个号的文凭所以很多人要去学校进修学习 然后她问你有什么想知道的 他告诉你