我的寄往英国包裹的状况 大家帮忙看看时什么情况如何解决 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/03 00:54:15
Unfortunately i cannot determine what was in the parcel because the packaging and the contents have now been destoryed.However,as part of the restoration process,e wil investigate the case and conside whether it would have been appropriate to return the seized things in this case,and whether we should offer you an appropriate instead.
Please see the appendix at the foot of this letter for zn explanation of the UK border Agency's' policy for the disposal of seized things. international smuggling of tobacoo products has resched such a level that the United Kingdom Border Agency is struggling to provide adequate and secure storage for the volume of goods seized
our records show that on examination the parcel was found to contain 400 king size filter cigarettes.As the evidence has been destoryed and we cannot re-examine the c

然后让你列个清单与估计价值,他们会考虑赔偿你= =

不太明白, 但是希望楼主早日解决~