
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 17:58:57

November 4, 2008 U.S. Eastern Time 23:00, vote counting showed Obama leading McCain by a substantial 349 votes 163 votes elected to the U.S. 44th (56th) President. He also became the first African-American history, American president (Barack Obama's father is a Kenyan citizen, Obama's mother is a white American).
After the Obama campaign headquarters in Chicago, published a report entitled "America's change" reflections of the victory, saying the United States for change has come.
Racial discrimination and historical traditions of the culture and values related to.
But with the passage of time and social evolution, as well as the United States multi-cultural interaction and integration of traditional culture and values of certain parts of discord have gradually been rejected and abandoned by people. Obama's election could be regarded as is an important sign.
From a longer historical period of view, racial discrimina