
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:46:07
Are organizations or groups most successful when their menmbers pursue individual wishes and goals?


Yes, I agree.
1. Inadvertantly, there is conflict of goals such that the interest of the individuals cannot be realistically satisfied at the same time.
e.g. Western environmentalists invariably cast acrimonious castigations upon the Chinese government, criticising her stoic silence in the face of escalating environmental pressure. Unfornately, such ardent enthusiasm of these environmentalists is frequently only paralleled by the pecuniary-driven foreign directed firms, which seek to squeeze out the last penny out of the local soil.

2. While the objectives the members may appear congruent upon the first glance, a closer analysis may reveal that the approach of the individuals are distinctly controdictory or even mutually negating.
e.g. Asian Financial Crisis 1997. The international organisations, such as the World Bank, adv