
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 03:42:50

Iran nuclear plant: Miliband refuses to rule out military action• Iran's chief negotiator says inspectors can visit plant
• Tehran to stage 'missile exercises' tomorrow
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Julian Borger in New York, Patrick Wintour in Pittsburgh and Mark Oliver guardian.co.uk, Saturday 26 September 2009 12.52 BST Article history
The UK foreign Secretary, David Miliband, says diplomacy is way forward but refused to rule out military action. Photograph: Martin Godwin

David Miliband today refused to rule out the prospect of military action against Iran over its nuclear ambitions but insisted the international focus was on a diplomatic solution after Tehran's admission it is building a second uranium enrichment plant.

The foreign secretary's comments were followed tonight by remarks from Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Akbar Salehi, who said inspectors from the International Ato