给我一篇议论文 800字 关于契诃夫名言:小狗无须因大狗的存在而惶惑的...

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 04:50:41


Money,or happiness
An ancient chinese saying saying says:"Find a job you enjiy doing and you will not have to work a day in your life".The meaning is that you will not consider it work at all. Certainly this is a realistic statement and we might add that a person who enjoys his job is likely to be happier and better person than one who sees work as a drudgery or worse still as a necessary discomfort.

Time and again it has been argued by philosophers that purpose of life is to seek pleasure and to avoid pain.it is obvious that humans automatically look for what gives them pleasure.So then it is advisable that we seek out jobs that we enjoy, though they may not be pay very well,rather than choose a less enjoyable job which pays well.

One certainty is that money is also important.There can be few happiness for a person who does not have enough money.For a person who to enjoy his life he definitely needs money but earn a lot of money by doing a job