
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 15:14:59
今天台服WOW更新3.22。补丁下载好安装的时候却出现更新档"pc-game- hdfiles\WowError.exe"无法安装。 (CRC mismatch: expected 0x9477e7a1, actual 0xbba0df4a.) 如果这个问题持续出现,请试著执行修复工具解决问题,或是反安装程式再重新安装游戏程式。如果您无法修复此问题,请联络Blizzard技术支援部门。 (BNUpdate::PTCApply)的问题。


This error is covered in the patch sticky. This error happens when a System Restore or a backup program restored some old files on the game and it gets confused. You can try reverting the game to fix this problem. To revert the game, go to your World of Warcraft\Data\ folder and delete the patch.MPQ file. If you have a patch-2.MPQ file, delete that as well. Go back to the World of Warcraft folder and run the repair utility. Once it's done, you'll have to repatch back to the current version and hopefully that will clear up any version mismatches. If that does not work, you will have to remove every World of Warcraft folder and files and then reinstall the game. For best results, install it in a different location.
