Politically , too, there was a shift。请高手翻译哈。非常谢谢!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 18:45:30
其全段落是: Politically , too, there was a shift .The Earth from space looks just like a map——except without the national borders . Collins remembers people of every nation saying to him , “ ‘We did it’—— it was a wonderful thing .” Ed Mitchell , on his way back from the Moon ,realised that “ the molecules of my body and of the spacecraft and of my partners were manufactured in some ancient generation of stars —— and that was an overwhelming sense of oneness and connectedness ”. Inspired by the landings ,Rene Dubos coined the phrase “ Think globally , act locally ”. T minus zero for Apollo was T plus one for globalisation .Yet despite the astronuats’ proteststions that the Moon itself was a letdown ,which of us ,given the chance ,wouldn’t want to go there ?The Chinese are planning missions of their own , and the commercial investment being ploughed into space tourism proves just how much we yearn for new experiences .So much so that we resent anyone who dampens our excitement .


而政治上,也历经着一个转变。从太空看的地球只不过像是一副地图——除了没有国界。科林斯想起每个民族的人对他说,“我们做的”——它是一件好事情。在从月球返回的途中EdMitchell 意识到,“之于自己身体的、飞行器的、同伴的分子在古老的星星上被大量制造——那是一种压倒性的连通合一的感觉”深受着陆的鼓舞,Rene Dubos 说出那句名言“更广阔的思考,更局限的行动”对于阿波罗来说T减O与之于地球人的T 加1意义是一样的!