澳洲留学的,求一道BUSINESS LAW题目答案

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 06:31:17
Sam purchases a diamond ring from a jewellery store in NSW. The ring comes with a small card on which is printed the following information:

Weight of diamond = 1.25 grams
Quality = Very very fine
Value = $3,673

Sam purchases the ring from the jewellery store for its stated value, $3,673. One month later, Sam visits a friend who owns a jewellery store in Sydney. The jeweller friend advises Sam that a similar ring with a similar diamond costs on average only $500 in Australia. The jeweller friend also tells Sam that the Australian Gemmological Society (an organization of gem industry professionals who are responsible for setting gem standards in Australia) does not recognise the term “very very fine” (in other words, that term has no real meaning or importance). Sam realizes that she has purchased a ring that is not nearly as valuable or as high quality as she was lead to believe.

On the basis of the above facts, answer the four questions

我靠 这个题你问了多少遍了 早就跟你说了 你+到150分哥给你答么 要不没人理你 谁让你不好好学习还不+分

