
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:15:11
此产品发布会的地址在一所大学,叫chiZhou college。产品为一个粉红色长方体的,笔袋大小的小包。上面印有米老鼠图案。特别适合女大学生使用。颜色鲜艳,美观大方。质量可靠,经久耐用。它有三层,是拉链式的,可以当笔袋使用,也可以作为化妆品小包,还可以放少女们常用的小件。使用此包,尽显青春活力。其他内容可自主发挥,不能出现错误,特别是语法错误。请高手帮忙,写得好加分。

The news conference location of this product is in ChiZhou collage.The product is pink rectagular small bag which has the size of a pen bag.There is the Mickey Mouse pattern on the surface of bag which is colorful and elegant, especially suit for the female collage students. The good quality -and -durable bag has three layers, with the style of zippered, it could be used not only as the pen bag, but also as the cosmetic bag to store girl's minor things. By using this elegant bag, your vitality will be showed thoroughly.