
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:44:13
Ladies and gentleman,good nootime!
Today is the wedding ceremony for my aunt and uncle.Thank for all of you come here.
I stand for myself and my famliy wish my aunt and uncle love each other forever,join hands and spend your beautiful life together.Wish you a happy wedding!

good nootime-->如果是12点左右干脆说good day。根据具体情况选择,没有 noontime这个词,也没有这样打招呼的。
Thank for..->Thanks for all of you coming here
stand for-->这种情况“代表”一般用on behalf of的
注意人称,前面称aunt 和uncle为第三人称,后面却变成了your beautiful..

你这个祝酒词不行的,说的有点空洞,而且句子太中国化。可以参考一下 princess8812的。根据实际情况说一些实在的话。另可参考老友记中类似场合的台词

good nootime错误,如果是晚上,要用goodnight。

Today is the wedding ceremony for my aunt and uncle.
Thank for all of you come here.应该是thank you

I stand for myself and my famliy wish my aunt and uncle love each other forever,join hands and spend your beautiful life together.Wish you a happy wedding.
这句话变成两个动词,语法上是行不通的。wish前应该加个to吧。还有既然是对来宾讲的,your要改成their,spend their beautiful life together.最后一句话如果是要表达让来宾享受婚礼的话,应是加上enjoy,Wish you enjoy the wedding!

有挺多问题的,我帮你改下: ladies and gentlemen,good morning/afternoon/night(时间你看情况)Today is the wedding ceremony for my dear aunt and uncle. Thanks for all of you to come here to share our happiness