
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 01:33:37


曾看到有位网友写过这样的诗句:“当风雪阻断归路,我们彼此取暖;当主权面对挑战,我们亮出利剑;当圣火遭遇屈辱,我们义无反顾;当病毒吞噬生命,我们用爱弥补;当列车冲出轨道,我们竭诚互助;当震撼撕裂大地,我们开山辟路;勇敢面对磨难,挺起中国的脊梁!” 诗句朴实简练,却抒发了共和国的儿女们对祖国母亲的心声,唱出了儿女们为有一个坚强的祖国母亲而自豪的赞歌。


Also in October is autumn, but also is filled with the harvest season. After several times came to be tempered, the motherland, the backbone of its strong and unyielding stand tall in the world of the East. We are proud, we are proud, we have a strong country and singing.

Have seen One User wrote this poem: "When the snow blocked return, and we were heating; when the sovereign to face challenges, we flashed a sword; when the torch face of humiliation, we are duty-bound; When the virus is engulfed Life , we have to make up with l