
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 20:01:04

A True Story About Racism
This is a true story it actually happened I was there. On British Airways flight FR112 from Johannesburg, a rich, middle-aged white woman from South Africa was on the plane. She was running up and down the aisles she was that rich, and if people said stop she would give them money and say “now do I have to stop?” and then she’d keep on doing it. When the plane was about to take off she sat down in her seat and was immediately disgusted because she was sitting next to a black man.

“Stewardess, bleeeuurrrgghh,” she wailed to the stewardess. “Stewardess there’s a black man, bleeeuuurgh I’m going to be sick, this is repulsive euuurrrggghhh.” She kept making vomiting noises and pointing at the black man though she wasn’t vomiting. The black man was getting a bit embarrassed. The stewardess came over to the woman and asked what was wrong.

“You put me next to a black man, bleeeuuuurrghhh, that is so euuurrrghhhhh. I can’t believe this,”