
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 10:03:31
1.The weather was bad and the train was crowded,__it wasn't a very satisfactory journey.
A.totally B.altogether C.absolutely
2.Mr.Johnson is a chemistry teacher at a middle school that is __to a teachers' college.
A.attached B.involved
3.If your order is ready,it will be __ to you tomorrow.
A.delivered B.annouced C.declared
4.-What do you mean by saying that?
-When I said some students are lazy,I __ to you.
A.don't refer B.wouldn't refer C.hadn't referred D.wasn't referring
5.Comrade Zhang,an old soldier,gave us a clear__ of the Long March at yesterday's meeting.
A.impression B.account
6.-Is this school__some foreign friends visited the modern lab the other day?
-Yes,it is.
A.that B.in which C.the one that D.the one where
答案1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.D
第六题,the one应该是代指school的代词,而这个词的词性是名词,因此我认为应选C,为什么答案是D呢

1.B altogether 有“总而言之”的意思
2,A,be attached to 是“附属”的意思,通常见于附属小学,附属医院什么的,eg,attached hospital。句子的意思就是说johnson先生任教的那所中学是某某师范的附属中学。
3,B, 首先可以排除delieve ,意思不对。再说declare,通常是指开战什么的宣告。所以选B
4,D 之所以用过去进行时,是因为指“说那句话的时候”不是指你,两个动作是同时发生。。所以用进行时
5,B。。这题。。我承认刚才做错了。乍一看,确实impression好像挺合题意的。但是你通读全句,把它翻译成中文:一个老战士,张同志在昨天的会议上给我们留下了长征的清晰印象。。很别扭。。是吧?一般留下印象,是留下自己的印象,而不是其他的。再联系a meeting ,就觉得account(阐述)更好。明白否?
6,D 我都换成陈述的
this school is the one where some foreign friends (visited the modern lab )the other day. 注意: visit的宾语是the modern lab,不是the one


-Is this the school __some foreign friends visited the modern lab in the other day?
-Yes,it is.
A.that B.in which C.the one that D.the one where
你可以拿两题对照着看。。其实这种题很简单的 你全部把它转成陈述句。
