
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 23:36:40
The old man was very angry (at/about)what his youngest son said.
为什么不能用because of?

2、It's no good ignoring someone that needs help.
It's no plesaure playing basketball alone.
为什么这里的用动词ing,而不是to do 呢??不是It's +adj to do 吗?

1. because of 后面应该加短语 what his youngest son said 这个是句子

而且 Be angry at/about 是个搭配 后面加的是 因为什么生气!

2. 这个就有点像 no point doing sth的搭配
你要记一些固定搭配 There is no good/use doing sth 和It is no good / use doing sth

你说的 类似于be important to do sth