
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 21:23:50

ready - “blue troll here.“ 蓝色巨魔在这呢!(别人都是绿的,就他特)
warcry - “flames for sul’jin!“ sul’jin之火!(那个“素鸡”是巨魔的头儿)
hat1 - “fire it up ,man.“ 把他点起来,伙计(指的是蝙蝠的尾巴……)
what2 - “what you want me burn?“让我烧什么?(瞧瞧,正宗纵火狂。)
what3 - “yo“ 是 what5 - “ya, ya, what is it?“ 是,是,那是什么?
yes1 - “you the boss.“ 你是头儿!
yes2 - “in ??? baby.“(没听懂……)
yes3 - *laughs* “sounds good to me man.“ 笑~~听起来对我来说不错,伙计
yes4 - “i be down with that.“我很快就和他一起下来。(自爆前的遗言,壮烈……)
yes5 - *laughs* (笑声中还抽一下鼻子,恶……)
yesattack1 - *laughs* 奸笑
yesattack2 - “catch!“ 接着!
yesattack3 - *laughs* yesattack4 - “take this.“ 尝尝这个! suicideattack - “the ends justify the means.“ 结果证明方法!(把对方撞下来了,自己的牺牲就值了)
pissed1 - “hey, shut up. the bat can’t hear where he’s going.“ 喂!闭嘴!蝙蝠听不清他去哪了!(蝙蝠认路用听的嘛)
pissed2 - “i can see your house... burning.“ 我看到你的房子着了!
pissed3 - “nana nana nana nana“ “ha! me!“ (这是学蝙蝠侠的一段,看过电影的该有印象)
pissed4 - “my balls are burning.“ 我的球着了!(指手里的