关于have/has come

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:29:22
好奇怪哦 .不是说在完成时里面. come属于非延续性动词. 应该转换为 been
不能说 I've come here.应该说 I've been here.
但是为什么很多的句子 还是有用 have come
e.g. 奥巴马的就职演说题目就是 Change Has Come to America
or I have come to know that.

好头痛啊 !! 谢谢

你只知其一,不知其二,我们所说的非延续性动词,不是不能用在完成时里,而是它的完成时的肯定式不能与表示一段时间有状语(HOW LONG, FOR/SINCE 短语)连用,要想与它样连用,得改成相应的持续性动词,如COME改为BEEN。

He has been here for two years.(对)
He has come here for two years.(错)

The fish has died since two days ago.(错)
The fish has been dead since two days ago.(对)

转换的情况是完成时加上一段时间 如for three years 如果句子中没有这类 就不需要转换 只表示完成 你给的句子就都是这样的

eg.i have come back.