
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 22:38:01




  Explained that the first paragraph: the whole film was in prison, this particular context has focused on a realistic helplessness of the community, as well as "environmental transformation" of fear

  Explained that the second paragraph: film is through violence and corruption of prison officials, warden reflects the dark side of society, and their greed to make andy lost the opportunity to find the murderers, but even that did not give up for freedom andy desire, but had to give up for their own use legal means to redress the end he chose to escape ---- with its own forces had been the salvation of the soul.

  Explained that the third paragraph: In the 19 years of painful prison life, do not give up yearning for freedom, is this belief that made him recapture the success of some of this in the free.

1。 whole film was in prison, this particular context has focused on a realistic helplessness of the community, as well as "e