
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 21:57:44


I remember his time in the young, can open their eyes wide look directly at the sun, can clearly observe the very small things (extremely good eyesight), each encounter small things, we must carefully observe its texture, it can often feel to transcend the fun of the thing itself.
Summer night, mosquito group issued a thunder-like sounds, my heart compared to group them in the air, flying crane, such a thought, really appeared in front of thousands of cranes that; looked up at them, and even the neck becomes stiff and therefore . I also left off a few mosquitoes in the white house, and slowly spray them with smoke, so that they directed at smoke while flying Bianjiao, constitutes an Albatron crane map, really like the cranes at the Qingyun the edge of the same issue calls because of this, I am delighted.
I often walls, rugged place, a place covered with weeds in the flower stage, squat body, so that body with the general high xintaizi to Congca