
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 17:22:48


Human flesh search is an online community with Chinese characteristics, mode of interaction, this new network and new phrases are the network era became a social hot spot, causing the community for their concern and controversy. However, both moral sense and in terms of legal norms, human flesh search is a kind of spontaneous formation of social justice and morality in public opinion mechanism, while its also very likely to become a violation of privacy rights violations. But neither is based on the human flesh search played by the enthusiasm of supervision by public opinion, or loss of control of violence shown by the negative effects, which is always a certain stage of Internet development as the inevitable outcome, as the network users in the community to strengthen the moral consciousness, the law a sound regulatory system and network administrators to upgrade their management, I believe that human flesh search is bound to move toward healthy development.

人肉搜索 human flesh