电影《阿甘正传》帮我翻译成英文的 原文在下面补充说明

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 15:13:51
《阿甘正传》以其几乎包容了本世纪60年代以来美国生活背景上的所有重大政治事件而赋于自身一种美国社会生活的神话原型意义,它以阐释命运般的悲喜剧形式向人们展示了美国一代人在炼狱般的当代生活中的迷惘、挣扎、痛苦与向往。而当人们重新找到了生活的意义,人们才不无惊喜地发现那真理原来正是他们的祖先在开发新大陆时形成的民族性格与民族精神,是美国先民那句神圣的格言:上帝帮助那些自救的人( God helps those who help themselves )。阿甘正是这种美国民族精神的象征,也许正因为如此,电影剧本作者特意给他安排了一个阿拉巴马的故乡,使人不由想起那首著名的美国民歌《苏珊娜》:
I came from Alabama. With my banjo on my knee … (我来自阿拉巴马 带着我的五弦琴…)

"Forrest Gump" with its inclusion of nearly 60 years of this century, American life since the background of all the major political events that confers its own social life, the myth of an American prototype of significance, as it is to explain the fate of the tragicomedy form to demonstrate the of the United States a generation of contemporary life in purgatory-like in the confusion, struggle, suffering and longing. And when people have rediscovered the meaning of life, it was not without surprise to discover that the truth is that their ancestors had in the development of the New World during the formation of national character and national spirit, is the motto of the United States ancestors the sacred phrase: God helps those who those who help themselves (God helps those who help themselves). Forrest Gump is a symbol of national spirit that the United States, perhaps because of this, the film script by specially arranged to give him an Alabama native, not help people rec