eskimo kiss 的歌词是什么!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 07:05:58
找了有一个月了 就是没有这歌的歌词
超想知道歌词是什么···自己听还挺不太懂 苦恼啊~~~
是Veronica Ballestrini人唱的 17岁的乡村新人··
和很多年轻歌手一样,91年出生的Veronica Ballestrini也是个靠Myspace走红的女孩。

怎么都没人知道这歌的歌词呢 ···唉╮(╯▽╰)╭

《Eskimo kiss》
  —— by.Veronica Ballestrini

  I remember that night so clear

  in your arms i had no fear

  a cold night in november

  you know i always remember

  what was going through my mind

  as you touched the face of mine

  and you whispered softly

  staring at me

  I still feel the magic

  I’ve been feeling something crazy inside of me

  when I’m with you baby i feel so weak

  my eyes tear up when i think of you

  now all i wanna do is

  be together cause it feels so fine

  you raise me up when your hands in mine

  you’re the one i've been praying for

  so i, i thanks lord

  for giving me a feeling like this

  and it start with a eskimo kiss

  you are thousand miles apart

  distance tugging at my heart

  this is a test to see