英语翻译,一个韩国人的哭诉@ @

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 09:36:15
她突然打了这么长的一段给我...很多生词生句,我理解不能,@ @请告诉我她在说些什么,我感觉她好象不开心...

my english is kinda crappy too in a native speaker's eyes. -sob sob sob- i've still got a long way to go. there are liek so many people here so pro at english and i'm so jealous of them.....
and you know what's even worse, i fail korean too.
it sucks. you know, to speak a bit of this and that but can't master it...... T^T

ehehehehehe........ korean from google translator? well i get what your trying to say but uh it's kinda awkward....

i don't blame you for not reading all of it. i suppose an artist like you, who is so pro, would have a very filled inbox........... and my comment is just one out of the many... and besides, it's more time consuming to read than see..




厄。。。。。谷歌翻译的韩语? 哦,我知道你要说什么,但那很怪的。。。

我没有责怪你没能读懂全部的意思。我想,想你这样的一个艺术家,如此专业,收件箱肯定都挤得满满的。。。。。。我的问候就像大海里的一滴水般不起眼。 读出来比看要花时间的多。。。。