
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 14:14:23
跪求第一首 和12:10那首歌http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA0NjgzMTQ4.html

第一首Bellefire - Perfect Bliss
第二首banaroo - ba yonga wamba
另外数完数之后的歌是sum41 的 Over My Head

第一首:Perfect bliss - Bellefire

I think they call it love
It's nothing to be scared about
Believe me
Ain't nothin we can do
Just let it be a part of you
And feel it
I wanna let you know
I promise, I promise
To never let you go
You know, you know
We can make it good
We can make it right
We can make the shadows turn to light
Boy, when it feels like this
(When it feels like this)
It's some kind of perfect bliss
(Some kind of perfect bliss)
We don't need to hurt
We don't need the pain
We can be the sun behind the rain
Boy, when it feels like this
(When it feels like this)
It's some kind of perfect bliss
You're scared its gonna change
You say you need a guarantee
Just leave