
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 20:19:09
我最喜欢的书是罗琳写的哈利波特,这系列的书已经出了七本,一九九七年第一本《哈利波特与魔法石》的出版,便在全世界掀起了一阵阅读狂嘲。至今,这系列书已经完结,因为它漂亮的句子,与精彩的情节,一本比一本受欢迎。 哈利波特种有一位个性十分特别又十分值得人尊敬的人物,就是sirius。他是哈利的教父,他为了好友,也就是哈利的父母,曾在魔法监狱度过了漫长的十二年,最后又为了保护哈利付出了自己的生命。书中这样的人物和事迹还有很多,所有的这些很好的表明了作者用七本书想要告诉我们的道理:爱可以战胜一切。 因为这本书如此精彩而又让人深思,这是我最爱的书。 翻译成英文 我是大一新生所以别太简单也别太深奥啊 谢谢了妈呀事太多了实在没办法

My favorite book is written by JK Rowling Harry Potter, this series of books have been out seven, in 1997 the first book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," the publishing, they set off around the world a moment to read mad ridicule. So far, this series of books has been completed, because of its beautiful sentences, and the exciting plot, one more than a welcome. Harry Potter has a special personality and is very worthy of very special people respected figure, that is, sirius. He is Harry's godfather, he, to friends, that is Harry's parents had spent a long prison magic twelve years, and finally paid in order to protect Harry, his own life. This book, there are many characters and stories, all of these good shows that the author wants to use seven books tell us the truth: love can conquer all. Because it makes this book so wonderful but food for thought, this is my favorite book. Translated into English I am a Freshman Do not be so esoteric ah Do not be