
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 13:06:42


直行 go straight
左/右转 turn left/right
往回走 turn back
走大约X分钟 walk for about x minutes
在第一个红绿灯 at the first red light
在第一个十字路口 at the first intersection
在左手/右手边 at your left/right side
在路东/西/南/北 at east/west/south/north side of the road
走那条路 take that street
往那个方向 go that direction
在街角 at the corner of the street

很多了,如果连上面这些也看不懂或组不成句子的话,你还不如直接跟人家说 Sorry I don't know 呢,省得耽误人家的事儿。

Foreigner:Excuse me,would you tell me where is DongHu Stadium?

Passer:You can go along this street with 5mins,and you can see placard of DongHu Stadium.

Passer:Sorry sir/madam,I am a tourists.

就说:很抱歉!我对这不熟I am sorry! I am not familiar with

如果不会英语,最简单的一句,就是sorry,i don't know