
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 13:22:18
Study on The Public Interest Lawyers

Looking back practices of lawyers in the past few years,it is easy to find that the most noteworthy phenomenon which is the number of lawyers act for public interest increasing . These legal practices were always closely related to the public interest . Besides , these lawters also have found a new way with more meaningful as well as the most challenging. Although it is still a small part as public interest lawyers in the entire legal field , but actually they have already contributed a lot to promote the rule of law . In people's general impressions , lawyers are legal professionals who designed to help people to engage in law suits.
1--公益诉讼律师研究--Study on The Public Interest Lawyers
2--顾近几年来律师执业的实践,人们不难发现这样一种令人关注的现象,那就是为了公益而战的律师群体的兴起--Looking back practices of lawyers in the past few years,it is easy to find that the most noteworthy phenomenon which is the number of lawyers act for public interest in

noteworthy phenomenon (which去掉) is the number of lawyers

Besides , these lawters also have found a new way with more meaningful as well as the most challenging.这句问题比较大,拼写错误就算了,可是感觉句子不完整,meaningful和challenging要修饰什么?或者就是楼主的表达方法错了。如果能提供你的中文意思,可以帮你改正。

Although it is still a small part as public interest lawyers in the entire legal field , but actually。。。。。。although和but不能共存,指用其中一个就已经可以表达,虽然。。。但是。。。的意思了。

lawyers are (the )legal professionals who (be)designed to help people to engage in law suits. 加the 表示一类。。,另外定语从句中,自己选用一个be动词形成被动语态,另外要考虑好这个定语从句,你如果想强调并修饰律师职业可以用被动语态,如果强调律师这些人,就不能使用被动。其实professional名词形式都是指专业人士,所以我认为不应该使用被动而是应该去掉design。如果楼主一定要使用被动, 那就要强调律师这个职业,所以要用其他更适合的词语取代professional

2.look back 不及物要+on
5.Although public interest lawyers are still a small part of the entire legal field

2--if we look practices of lawyers in the past few years,it is easy to find that the most striking phenomenons is the incr