
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 15:18:27
我给的歌词不对,但是听的依稀是这样唱出来的谐音.........(旁白:love is life, is love, is life,love is life, is love, is life)...............(然后有这样唱的:I need , I need want,but you don't.............)大概就是这样子唱的,哪位高手能解读我所说的歌。
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQwMDk1NDA=.html 我想知道歌手是谁,哪国的。最好还有歌词....

Safeway - I'm In Love

Life is love (x8)

Feelin' and I'm feelin'
But you don't want my love
I'm in, I'm in love
But you don't want my love

No more tears in my fantasies
Tonight my hours will be only prayers
I will try, try to realize
Another day with you, another day

I'm in love and I'm feelin' strong
Tonight I'm right t'have you by my side
I'm in love
But you don't want my love

Life is love (x8)
