和 校长沟通(英文) 很急很急,,,跪求了!!!!!!!!!!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 07:36:42
我们的校长教我们商业(一个礼拜就一次,好象是 英国人),而 其他商业课,是 一个 巴基斯坦的老师教的,他 教的不是很听的懂。 口音比较难适应,教的也 比较死板,乏味,笔记写的基本也都是 书上的, 有些内容也不能课上就消化掉。 我是沟通部的,要和校长沟通一下(当然是英文哈),希望他能多教我们几节课.......

急死了!! 周二之前回复,,,,

跪求了..... 好的有 追加








Dear principle.

I am XXX, a member of communication apartment. All my classmates love you very much. They said your classes are full of interesting and wisdom. They can learn a lot both from the class and you. And they are very appreciate what you teach us.
And there is a request that all of classmates want you to take more classes in our classes. Since professor XX has a very heavy accent, we cannot fully understand it. What they taught us is not that vivid that you taught us and the note he gave us were almost the same as in the book. And we cannot learn the content right at the class.

So that's the reason why we hope you can accept our request and we all will appreciate.
