
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 23:24:36


[krɑ?ft] ['hɑ?b?] [st?l] [s?'ri?n] [?nd?'ke??(?)n]

Small craft in a harbour that’s still and serene give no indication

小艇/小船 港湾 平静的 安详的 象征/指示

[r?k] [' ['m??r??z] ['nesld]

what their ways have been. They rock at their moorings all nestled

岩石 停泊处 依偎

[r??l] [st??n] [gr?:ni?]

in dreams, away from the roll of the sea. Their stern lines are groaning

离去/离开 滚动 船尾 呻吟

['l?l?ba?] [g??st] ['k?di] [g?l] [spɑ?]

a lullaby air. A ghost in the cuddy, a gull on the spar. But never they

摇篮曲 幽灵 小房间 海鸥 桅杆

['w?sp?] ['d??:niz]

whisper of journeys afar, away from the roll of the sea, Oh, had they

私语/耳语 旅行 在远处/遥远地

[t??] ['te?li?z] [?d'vent??] [wi?v]

the tongues for to speak, what tales of adventure they’d weave.

舌头 故事/传说 冒险 编织

['??k?d] ['sl?mb?]