
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:09:56
You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time.

You=& can=∞ fool=@ some=⊙ of=! the=∏ people=$ all=tt time=∴
and=S can't=∝ but=#

You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time.
& ∞ @ ⊙ ! ∏ $ tt ∏ ∴,S tt ! ∏ $ ⊙ ! ∏ ∴;# & ∝ @ tt ! ∏ $
tt ∏ ∴.


Yōū cāń fōōl $ōmé ōf τhé péōplé āll τhé τīmé, āńd āll ōf τhé péōplé $ōmé ōf τhé τīmé; būτ yōū cāń\'τ fōōl āll ōf τhé péōplé āll τhé τīmé.

Her zaman, bazı insanların aptal ve tüm insanlar bazı zaman, fakat tüm insanları her zaman aptal olamaz.

Yōū cāń fōōl $ōmé ōf τhé péōplé āll τhé τīmé, āńd āll ōf τhé péōplé $ōmé ōf τhé τīmé; būτ yōū cāń\'τ fōōl āll ōf τhé péōplé āll τhé τīmé


yOu cAn fOoL SoMe oF ThE PeOpLe aLl tHe tImE, aNd aLl oF ThE PeOpLe sOmE Of tHe tImE; bUt yOu cAn't fOoL AlL Of tHe pEoPlE AlL ThE TiMe.