
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 01:39:13
At noon the following day I returned to the hotel and found an urgent message to telephone my wife. Her voice was unnaturally high and quavering. There had been several more truckloads of ad inserts. “They are for department stores, dime stores, drugstores, grocery stores, auto stores and so on. Some are whole magazine sections. We have hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of pages of advertising here! They are crammed wall-to-wall all through the house in stacks taller than your oldest son. There’s only enough room for people to walk in, take one each of the eleven inserts, roll them together, slip a rubber band around them and slide them into a plastic bag. We have enough plastic bags to supply every takeout restaurant in America!”

在次日中午,我回到酒店,发现紧急信息的电话我的妻子。她的声音居高不下和用颤抖。曾有过的广告插入几个卡车。 “他们为百货公司,杂货铺,药店,杂货店,商店和汽车等。有些是整个杂志的部分。我们有几十万,也许以百万计的广告页,在这里!他们挤墙到墙通过在所有比你大儿子栈更高的房子。这里只有足够空间供人走的,以十一个插入每卷在一起,错过了一个身边的橡皮筋,并陷入一个塑料袋。我们有足够的供应塑料袋在美国每一个外卖店!“
