一件不开心的事 用英文写

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 15:42:27
80字左右 急急急急急!!!!!!!

Occurred in my childhood I had many happy things. As time goes by, some of the things gradually erased from the memory. However, there is one thing like a long root as deeply imprinted in my mind, how are wiped away ... wipe ...
One day, I was lying in bed watching my father bought me a new "China Children's Encyclopedia." Suddenly, the word line threw herself into my eyes, not the same fighting each other ants in the nest. Good move my suddenly sat up and thought: I do not look at the animals Sisha was going to do a scene, and now have the opportunity, and why not to try it. Thought here, I ran as fast as downstairs, some on my friend Xiao-gang, preparing for an "ant tournaments." Rule is this: Woliang each to make a military commander, the soldiers of course, ants, and each ten. After the fighting, the loser winner will be invited to an ice cream.
In order to verify the events described in books, but also in order to win tournaments victory Woli