You smile eternity旳中文翻译、附英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 19:10:58
Eternity - you smile

I'm the one that you don't see
Who watches you so cautiously
The one
Who loves you silently
I'm always one glance behind
I'm on the outskirts of your life
But you don't notice me

When you smile, smile, smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
When you smile, smile, smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile

I'm the one just out of view
I'm the one you're looking thru
So close
And yet so far from you
I'm a portrait still unveiled
Unrealized and frail
A girl
Who's scared to fail

When you smile, smile, smile uh huh
And in your eyes I know I don't exist
Can't resist
When I see you smile
When you smile, smile, smile uh huh
And in your eyes

I'm the one that you don't see 我是你从未关注过的那个人
Who watches you so cautiously却总是小心翼翼地观察着你。
The one,Who loves you silently我默默地爱你
I'm always one glance behind始终如一暗自关注着你
I'm on the outskirts of your life可是永远无法触及你的生活圈
But you don't notice me你未曾察觉。

When you smile, smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候
And in your eyes I know I don't exist我知道你眼神中没有我
Can't resist无法阻挡
When I see you smile
When you smile, smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候
And in your eyes I know I don't exist我知道你眼神中没有我
Can't resist
When I see you smile 仍旧无法阻挡你微笑的魅力

I'm the one just out of view我是那个被你抛出视线的人
I'm the one you're looking thru你的眼神如此飘忽
So close
And yet so far from you即使离你如此之近,可我依旧无法贴近你的心
I'm a portrait still unveiled我是一副未曾揭开面纱的肖像画
Unrealized and frail虚幻又脆弱
A girl
Who's scared to fail 我是一个惧怕失败的女孩

When you smile, smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候