来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 14:50:52
谁有SWEETBOX的BLUE ANGEL的歌词啊?没有找到,可真的很好听,所以麻烦各路大侠帮帮忙!我真的感激不尽!

blue angel

Hmm, someone who wanna I woke up
On the round side of bed
When I yesterday is made up
I'm lay for work in bed
Stuck in traffic jams I spill my coffee all over my shirt
And whenever they don't pot that spiffed reason
Why that's gonna hurt
And when she give back home
So you can love and hold me tight
Tell me my favourite joke
So we can laugh all through the night
I don't need nothing else
Cause I got you tonight
You're my blue angel
Lift me up
Let's fly away
You're my blue angel
When I am falling apart
You are my light in a dark
You are my angel
My angel…
Hmm, whenever I'm broken
In pieces on the floor
Some how you open
The part of me of some sure
If I wanna don't ask to your always say
You always could be first
If I said I'm beautiful when I don't that