
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:49:26


(1) 游览故宫,可以从天安门进,也可以由后门----神武门进。由天安门进入,穿过一片青砖铺地的广场,便到达紫禁城的正门----午门。穿过午门,又是一个大广场,广场上有一金水桥。过桥经太和门便是雄伟的太和殿。经太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,穿过乾清门,便进入内廷,内廷分中路、东路和西路三条路线。如果是半日游,这三条路线只能游一条,一般可走中路。走中路可看乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫、嫔妃所住的地方(其中有的已辟为展厅)和御花园。一般来说,用半天时间游故宫,比较吃力。以安排一日游为佳。如有时间,又想看得细些,则可安排二日游。



oor. Clean up the door , just enter Neiting by that the Hall of Supreme Harmony, neutralizing the hall , the Bao He hall , passing through Qian, Neiting is allotted the middle road , east road and three west road routes. If being to gradually loaf about partly, this three routes can only travel a bar , may pass through a middle road in general. The middle road leaks but looks at (among them some already having refuted for exhibition government department at the provincial level) and imperial local gardens stopped by Qian Qing Dynasty palace , deliver the Thailand hall , feminine Ning palace , concubine of an emperor imperial concubine. Come to say time travels the Palace Museum , comparatively laborious in the half of the day the sort. To arrange an one-day tour to be nice. If having time , wanting to watch a little thin, may arrange 2nd to loaf about then. (2) the idealest make a visit to routes are that the door enters Forbidden City from the midday , the hall , Qian in proper ord