gay right

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 13:47:40
关于Gay rights的英文见解。
What do you think of the Gay rights?
额……各抒己见就好……二楼的答案我也找到了 ……再有,我只是要写关于这个的文章,要真是Gay我就不用问了……真是玷污我光辉形象啊!!

Never really achieved,just an impossible joke

玷污你的光辉形象?如果你觉得那么不齿 大可以不写

gay rights……


我们不知道真的长闭眼睛之后 真的还有继续吗?

AS A boy of 15 in north-eastern China, Dylan Chen knew he was gay. “I grew up thinking I was the only gay person in all of China,” says Mr Chen, now 25 and living in Shanghai. Small wonder. Homosexuality had been decriminalised in China only two years before. It would be officially classified for several years more as a mental illness. Information and acceptance were both in very short supply.Life for China’s tens of millions of homosexuals has improved markedly since then, especially in big cities. Gay and lesbian bars, clubs, support groups and websites abound. Chinese gays, who playfully call themselves “comrades”, have plenty of scope for networking. One surprising website caters specifically for gays in China’s army and police force.
But even in cosmopolitan