
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 14:27:59

2,老师我想查找一下我的卷子,我想看看我到底那里错了 为什么不及格

3,我感觉非常累 虽然我记忆力不好 可是我很努力

4,感觉大部分题都做了 最少也有70分吧,可是为什么还不及格呢?

5,我仅仅只差1分及格 这个考试对我非常重要,可能就差这1分我就毕不了业





1,is there anything I can do to raise my mark for a pass?

2, can I please check my exam paper for the mistakes i made which caused me to fail?

3, I felt really exhausted, even though my memory is not good, I have done my best

4, I did complete most of the examination questions but why did I still failed? (这里最好不要跟老师说为什么连70分都没有,他可能会生气)

5,I have failed by one mark, on this examination which is crucial to my graduation. It is very important to me.

6,What can I do to get this one mark? It really means a lot to me

7, Please give me one more mark and pass me.

would you please give me a pass for this examination?

I will appreciate this so much!

就一分啊!太不值了,好好和老师说说,外教有的时候不是那么难说话的。态度诚恳一点,多说几个“please" 加油,以上给你的建议自己也采用过,我差3分及格,外教最后给我及格了。加油!

1,make(play)a trick on the mark
2,may i take a look at my paper?i want to check out where i did wrong,why didn't i pass?
3,i feel so tir