
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 06:48:14

I'm practicing telepathy.
I'm learning ESP.
I'm getting mental images
like pictures on TV.

I thought I'd pick your brain a bit.
I thought I'd read your mind,
to get the answers to this test,
but now I'm in a bind.

I probed your thoughts and consciousness,
and now I guarantee,
we both are gonna flunk
because you're copying from me.

或I am glad I was your teacher
Though you troubled me through and through
You split the chalk and broke the glass
And I made you kneel down too

But now that the year is almost gone
And the holidays are near
I am surprised most of all coz
I can't believe the end is here

Next term you will be older
Whether wiser- I am not sure
Some other class teacher will face it all
How well – I do not know.

I remember all the fun we had
I am sure you remember too
All the pranks