
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 17:13:26
1. 当许多年过去,我们回首往事,或许人还在,物却不同了。但是,我们都有着一个同样纯真难忘的童年。谨以此文献给我们的童年。
2. 一种饮料,健力宝。
3. 小时候最美好的回忆,每次都能吃出个大花脸。现在有时候也能买到。棉花糖。
4. 陪我们度过童年的动画片。《苏克和贝塔》《忍者神龟》《七龙珠》《奥特曼》《黑猫警长》《蓝精灵》《大力水手》《多啦A梦》《美少女战士》《葫芦娃》,似乎这是最早一点接触到爱情的东西。
5. 一部电视剧《小龙人》《西游记》《新白娘子传奇》。
6. 老师最讨厌的东西,改正纸,擦不干净的橡皮擦。
7. 眼保健操。
8. 儿时的父母也会限制孩子。因为这样,回忆才永远不会抹去,愈烙愈深,直到为之感动。 虽然现在看着现在的孩子总是那么幸福,什么都有,而我们也有我们自己更美好的东西, 纯真的年代, 不知不觉的生长。我们都会有衰老的一天。但是我们不要忘记我们儿时有过的美好。它支撑着我们走过一生 ------很幸运 ------我们出生于九十年代

1. While many years have passed, we look back, maybe people are still, things are different. However, we all have an equally pure and memorable childhood. I have the honor to us as a literature of childhood.

2. A drink, Jianlibao.

3. Childhood best memories and every time it get that big Erhualian. Now sometimes can buy. Cotton candy.

4. To accompany us through childhood cartoons. "Davor Suker and Beta," "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" "Dragon Ball" "Ultraman," "Black Cat Detective," "Blue Wizard" "Popeye," "Dora A Dream," "Pretty Soldier" "Gourd Doll" , it seems that this is the first thing that come into contact with love.

5. A TV drama "dragons" and "Journey to the West" "Legend of White Snake."

6. A teacher of the most annoying things, correct papers, do not wipe clean the eraser.