谁能给我个用not olny ···but also···造的句,并且要的是连接介词短语的。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 17:39:41

★造句方式:主语+be+not only或+not only+实义动词(或词组),but+be also或also+实义动词(或词组)。
★注意,前后句中连接的词组成分必须一致(如前句加to do不定式,加-ing分词,后句也一样,前句什么时态,后句也一样。)
(1)She not only likes singing,but also likes dancing.
(2)Yesterday,he not only finished his homework。but also helped his mom do the housework.
★not only...but also的同义词组:
(1)not only...but...as well.
(2)not only...but just...

Not only in England, but also in many other countries all over the world, a lot of children like to read the stories of Harry Potter.