
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 08:27:45

Archery 射箭- A sport which you have to aim with an arrow and a bow for a certain target and trying the best to shoot the centre.
Athletics 田径- Just pretty much the same as running. There are three types of athletics: relay, marathon(42,195 metres long) and sprint.
Badminton 羽毛球- The game between two teams of hitting a shuttle with a special rachet.
Baseball 棒球- A type of ball game with two teams eith batting or fieldingn first, and trying to hit the ball and run as quickly as they can after the ball is hitten by the batter
Basketball 篮球- A ball game between two teams and the aim is to try and throw the basket ball into the baskets.
Boxing 拳击- Two people wearing gloves and trying to hitting eachother's body parts but has to be above the waists.
Cycling 自行车- A certain amount of people wearing helmets and cycling as fast as they can to finish the track.
Tennis 网球- Two teams hitting a tennis ball accross the net with rachets and trying to let the o