
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 11:56:47

The war ended with the defeat of China. Therefore signed the "Nanjing Treaty" is one of modern China's first unequal treaty, the Hong Kong Island, also in this war, was ceded to the United Kingdom, in addition, the United Kingdom also supported most favored nation treatment, and other consular jurisdiction.


War with China's failure. So instead of nanjing treaty signed in modern China is the first unequal treaties, Hong Kong island and in this war was ceded to Britain, in addition, Britain also get the most-favoured-nation treatment and consular jurisdiction, etc.

The war ended as the failure of China. Signed in such condition, Nanjing Treaty is the first unfair contract in modern history of China. Hong Kong Island was ceded to England in this war. Moreover, England got privileges of the most favored nation and the consular jurisdiction.