
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 11:47:12
其实One-T And Cool-T是一个年仅13岁的DJ,但是因为她的年纪,为了不和法国的青少年保护法抵触,她一直隐姓埋名,在朋友的帮助下独自组织了很多次精彩的派对,但是没有人知道她的真实姓名,没有人见过她长什么样

In fact, One-T And Cool-T is only a 13-year-old DJ, but because of her age, and France in order not to conflict with youth protection laws, she has been anonymous, with the help of friends organized a number of times alone wonderful parties, but no one knows her real name, and no one seen her look like

Every time she's wearing a mask will be DJ performances, each mask is different. All her MV also be based on cartoon characters appeared in