
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:01:35
内容是“ 古埃及由于较早地使用战俘兴修水利,参与农业生产,因此古埃及的经济得到了长足的发展。中王朝时期已开始使用青铜器,并改进农用器具,出现了装有横木把手的新犁。十二王朝还在尤法姆绿洲大规模地兴修水利,排干沼泽,建造堤坝,开垦土地,保证了农业的增产丰收。







It is about "ancient Egypt due to earlier use of prisoners of war, building water conservancy projects, participation in agricultural production, so ancient Egypt's economy has seen remarkable development. In the dynasty started to use bronze, and to improve agricultural equipment, there has been equipped with a crossbar handle the new plow. 12 dynasty, in particular farm is also an oasis on a large scale building water conservancy projects, drained swamps, built dams, land reclamation, to ensure a good harvest of agriculture output. (我老是看在我的面子上帮忙弄的)

With the development of agriculture, handicraft industry and commerce have also been rapid development and emergence in Egypt, a large number of new industrial and commercial city, such as the particular farm in the vicinity of the card call encheng, in the 12 and 13 are very well-developed commercial and industrial dynasty. Residential area west of the city for the handicrafts, east stocked warehouses overseas